
Secularism and the Inner Journey

When Pierre-Simon Laplace declared his equations devoid of the 'God hypothesis' to Napoleon, he was not merely speaking of celestial mechanics but hinting at a broader shift in intellectual thought. This shift – the separation of religion from statecraft – would define Western political evolution.

Historically, the West, tethered for ages to ecclesiastical despotism, underwent a profound transformation. It was a response to centuries of religiously bolstered politics. The monumental 'divorce' between state and church epitomized the Western drive for liberty. It was a clarion call for rational governance, free from religious encumbrances.

Montesquieu, ever the astute observer of political systems, advocated for a secular state defined by the separation of powers. For him, a balanced state, immune to insidious power grabs, could only exist when its individual organs operated independently and interdependently. Such a state, he believed, would be buttressed by shared values of equity and responsible citizenship.

Crucially, religious doctrines ceased to be the compass guiding political actions in these secular states. Gone were the days of ecclesiastical censorship, subjugation of free will, persecution of dissenting faiths, and other heinous remnants of religious totalitarianism. The Western world had ushered in an era characterized by democratic ethos, respect for individual rights, and a multicultural fabric.

Secular governance, however, doesn't necessarily entail the absence of the Divine. It merely eschews any monopolistic religious interpretations from wielding executive power. Secularism assures every faith – and lack thereof – a realm independent of direct political interference. This allows religious parties, lobbies, and inspirations to coexist without superseding the state's neutral stance. Even atheism, often misunderstood, finds protection in this secular framework.

Contrary to some critiques, spirituality isn't merely an illusory construct or a mere sublimation. The mystical experiences, often called 'visio Dei experimentalis,' offer an alternative perspective on the Divine. Whether one believes in the existence of a higher power is profoundly personal and primarily metaphysical. Yet, regardless of its outcome, such exploration shapes the human experience.

In contemporary critical scientific discourse, the spiritual function is acknowledged as an intrinsic facet of human existence. It intersects with sensory perceptions, emotions, cognitive faculties, and consciousness. 

This brings us to a pivotal hypothesis : despite Laplace's mechanistic worldview, a society's zenith in liberty, democracy, and solidarity might be achieved with spirituality in the equation. It doesn't necessarily evoke traditional, theistic religious views. Still, it resonates with a more mystical view of faith, akin to non-theist Buddhism. 

In essence, while the structures of governance and science may have evolved beyond traditional religious doctrines, the human spirit's quest for the Divine remains an integral aspect of our shared journey.