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© Wim van den Dungen


General Bibliography l Ancient Egyptian bibliography


Abhedananda : The Yoga Psychology, Ramakrishna - Calcutta, 1973.
Adelman, F.J. : The Quest for the Absolute, Martinus Nijhoff - The Hague, 1966.
Aggleton, J.P. : The Amygdala, Wiley-Liss - New York, 1992.

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Bakker, S.J. : Biofeedback, Van Loghum Slaterus - Deventer, 1978.
Bear, M.F., Connors, B.W. & Paradiso, M.A. : Neuroscience, Lippincott - Maryland, 2001.
Beauregard, M. & O'Leary, D. : The Spiritual Brain, HarperOne - New York, 2007.
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Bridges, H; : American Mysticism from William James to Zen, Harper & Row - New York, 1970.
Broughton, R. : Parapsychology, Ballantine - New York, 1991.
Bruce, B. : Our Spiritual Brain, Abingdon Press - Nashville, 2002.
Bucke, R.M. : Cosmic Consciousness, Citadel - New Jersey, 1961.
Burkert, W. : Creation of the sacred, Harvard University Press - Cambridge, 1996.
Bunge, M. : Causality and Modern Science, Dover - New York, 1979.
Bunge, M. : The Mind-Body Problem, Pergamon Press - Oxford, 1980.

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Barlow, H.B. : "Single units and sensation : A neuron doctrine for percetual psychology ?", in : Perception, n°1, 1972, pp.371-394.
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Cade, C.M. : Self-awareness and E.S.R., Audio - London, 1980.
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Chalmers, D. : The Conscious Mind, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1996.
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Chittick, W.C. : Imaginal Words, State University of New York Press - New York, 1994.
Chittick, W.C. : The Sufi Path of Knowledge, State University of New York Press - New York, 1989.
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Dawkins, R. : The Selfish Gene, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1978.

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Dembski, W.A. & Behe, M.J. : Intelligent Design, Intervarsity Press - Illinois, (1986) 1998.
Demos, J.N. : Getting Started With Neurofeedback, Norton - New York, 2005.
Dennett, D.C. : Consciousness Explained, Little, Brown & C° - Boston, 1991.
Dennett, D.C. : Kinds of Minds : Toward an Understanding of Consciousness, Basic Books - New York, 1996.
Denton, M.J. : Nature's Destiny, The Free Press - New York, 1998.
Derrida, J. : De la grammatologie, Seuil - Paris, 1967.
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Derrida, J. : Glas, Galilée - Paris, 1974.
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De Wit, H. : Contemplatieve Psychologie, Agora - Kampen, 1987.
Doore, G. : What survives ?, Tarcher - Los Angeles, 1990.

D'Aquili, E. & Newberg, A.B. : "Religious and mystical states : a neuropsychological model.", in : Zygon, 1993, n°28, pp.177-200.
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Forman, R.K.C. : The problem of pure consciousness, Harvard University Press - Cambridge, 1990.
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Gershon, M.D. : The Second Brain, Quill - New York, 1998.
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